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At Thomas Deacon Academy we are very proud of our Initial Teacher Education partnerships. As a key teacher training school in Peterborough, we work closely with several Initial Teacher Education Providers including the Cambridge University PGCE, Teach First, Teach East and The Cambridge Partnership.

Thomas Deacon Academy enjoys a close relationship with Cambridge University, Faculty of Education, hosting PGCE trainees across a wide variety of subjects. In addition to attending the regular training and subject days at the University, some teacher-mentors have taken the opportunity to complete the Stage II Mentoring Certificate and influence the future direction of the PGCE through contributing to Mentor Training Days at the Faculty and taking up positions on Subject Mentor Panels. Thomas Deacon Academy also hosts interview days for the Cambridge PGCE, searching for the next generation of outstanding teachers! 

The Academy also benefits from a close relationship with Teach First, ensuring that top graduates receive high quality Initial Teacher Training and benefit the young people of our city.    

Our aspiration is that all trainees placed at TDA make accelerated progress towards meeting the Teachers’ Standards. One way we aim to achieve this is through a bespoke TDA Mentor Development Programme, running concurrently with ITE/ITT provider training. Here our mentor team have the opportunity to share best practice to meet, and where appropriate, exceed the ITT Mentor Standards (July 2016). 

Working with such a variety of providers allows our young people and our staff to benefit from:

  • Highly qualified, enthusiastic and creative trainee teachers,

  • A vibrant and experienced community of teacher-mentors,

  • Connections with highly regarded educational institutions,

  • Access to the most up-to-date educational research and practice. 

 Zulfikar Sayeed          

Please see below for links to some of our Initial Teacher Education partners;